Pinene is a terpene found in conifers, like juniper and fir. This terpene is known for promoting a sense of mental clarity and focus, and is predominately found in cerebral sativa strains like Jack Herer.
Study pinene.
Daily Inhalation of α-Pinene in Mice: Effects on Behavior and Organ Accumulation
Alpha-pinene exerts neuroprotective effects via anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic mechanisms in a rat model of focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion
Gastroprotective effect of alpha-pinene and its correlation with antiulcerogenic activity of essential oils obtained from Hyptis species.
α-Pinene, a Major Constituent of Pine Tree Oils, Enhances Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep in Mice through GABAA-benzodiazepine Receptors
Therapeutic Potential of α- and β-Pinene: A Miracle Gift of Nature
In vitro assessment of cytogenetic and oxidative effects of α-pinene
Attenuating effect of α-pinene on neurobehavioural deficit, oxidative damage and inflammatory response following focal ischaemic stroke in rat
Anti-tumor effect of α-pinene on human hepatoma cell lines through inducing G2/M cell cycle arrest